Most of these pictures are courtsey of Mickey Quinton.  Mickey started to school with us at Central and stayed until he moved to Michigan in the 7th grade.  He now lives in San Diego, CA and came the longest distance to be with us.  Pictures are from the brunch at Richard and Patty Arnold's home.
home     reunion pix
Richard Arnold, his daughter and wife Patty
Clifford Houser and Carolyn Cultra Chapman
The Westover group-Beverly, Larry Joe, Fuzzy, Charles, Betty, Mary Sue, Richard, Larry Wuench,  and Clifford
Mary Sue and Richard
The Ladies-Anna Ruth, Margaret, Mary Sue, Beverly, Betty, Carolyn, Mert
Larry Foster, Charles Powell, Beverly Frizzell, Ken Kirkland
Kate and Gordon Clayton  and John and Lyn Fox                Gordon, John, Hugh, Glenn and Lyn Fox
Mickey Quinton, Gordon, Anna Ruth, Larry Primrose, Beverly, Joe
David Mead, Gordon,. Anna Ruth, Beverly, Larry P., Larry Joe
Some of the men- David, Kenny, Larry, Lee, Larry, Dalton
Margaret and Mert.
Susan and Larry Joe Carmical
Joe Ruble, Charles Powell and Larry Primrose
Mert, Hugh and Winona
Mary Sue and Kenny
Larry,F., Larry E., Dalton amd Carolyn
Gordon, David, Anna Ruth, and Richard
Margaret, James, and Anna Ruth